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Tel: 586-779-8892
​ & Occupational
23161 Greater Mack Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Balance & Falls: Why We Fall, How We Improve
The majority of older adults will develop a balance issue that can result in a fall. In fact, 1/3 of people over the age of 65 and almost...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Prevent Falls, Enjoy a Full Life!
Have you seen our most recent video? If so, then you understand that falling isn't a "normal" part of aging, as is often assumed. Part...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Dispelling the Myth: PT Isn't Just for Senior Citizens
It is a common myth that physical therapy is just for senior citizens. While seniors clearly experience an improvement in the quality of...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Can You Improve Your Memory As You Age?
We all have skips in our memory from time to time — misplacing our keys, forgetting an event or appointment, or failing to remember the...
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